Raising Awareness about Plastic Pollution in our oceans, and to doing it in a FUN and to helpful way.
Credit on this team effort goes to Troy Dunn and John Arnspiger
Design Challenge
Raise awareness about Plastic Pollution in our oceans…
…Can we utilize fun to do this???
…But why fun????
So…what did we do?
A Poster Campaign! or maybe a Lamp???
The Problem..:/
This project wasn’t just about designing something fun for consumers. The challenges my team faced were deeper than proportion, form, or aesthetics. We constantly asked questions like, “Why are we doing this?”, ”Are we adding to the problem?” At the end of the day, if our goal was to create, product, market, and sell this plastic…then maybe we have failed.
The Facts…
This project is meant to inspire and motivate change in behaviors. We are doing this with fun imagery and compelling story telling. Making sure we were not designing forms that were intimidating or scary was at the top of our list. We developed a cute “toy like” form factors that told a story of pollution and its affects in a new subtle, but obvious way.
The Ideation…
We went back and forth on the purpose of the project. We landed on a design that could satisfy two different prompts. A Lamp / Light fixture, or a Poster Campaign.
The Solution…
One required real form development and product design know how, while the other benefited from the refined form language. As a result of the design process generated awesome visual content to serve our overachieving purpose.
A Family of Products