School Project
Pushing my Digital Sketching Skills and Design Sketch Thinking...
Foil Razor
Time Line: 48 Hours ; I.D. Education Level: Intro Junior Year
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Digital #sketchcandy
Compelling Direction
This concept provided many interesting pros. It is a new form factor. It also is quite compact and easy to store in a bag for on the go. However upon further examination the shape was ruled out by my professor and myself.
The cylinder would make for a difficult trimming experience when trying to line up your beard. The head of a foil razor is a specific shape for a reason, and I ultimately decided it would be best to utilize this form to inspire my next version.
Moving Forward…
Learning the Importance of 2D to 3D
Sculpting this model gave me a much greater understanding of scale and the appropriate size the Foil Shaver really needed to be.
The initial dimensions I had thought I would use, did get a bit smaller. This made the device more comfortable to use and begin to feel more like a real product.
The shaving head also works much better as a circular form rather than a rectangular shape.